Hydro Siting � part 1

Hydro Siting � part 1

At most sites, what is called run of river is the best mode of operation. This means that power is produced at a constant rate according to the amount of water available. Usually the power is generated as electricity and stored in batteries and can be tied to an existing PV or other system. The power can take other forms: shaft power for a saw, pump, grinder, etc. Both head and flow are necessary to produce power.

Even a few gallons per minute can be useful if there is sufficient head. Since power = Head x Flow, the more you have of either, the more power is available. A simple rule of thumb to estimate your power is Head (in feet) x Flow (in gpm) /10 =Power (in Watts).

This will give you a rough idea of the power available at the average site and reflects an overall efficiency of 53%. This is a typical output for a well designed system. For example: if your head is 100 feet and the flow is 10 gpm, then 100 x10/10 = 100 watts.

Keep in mind this is power that is produced 24 hours a day. It is equivalent to a PV system of 400-500 watts - if the sun shines every day. Of course, the water may not run year round either. So it is apparent how a combined system can supply your power needs on a continuous basis.

Determining Head & Flow

Let's start with the head since that is easier than the flow and will give you confidence to continue. The best method to determine the head is also the easiest and can be used at any site. It is also very accurate. It involves using a length of hose or pipe in the neighborhood of 1/2" diameter.

You can start anywhere along the brook and proceed upstream or down. First submerge the upstream end in the water and weigh it down with a rock or something similar. With the top end fixed in place underwater you move the rest of the pipe downstream. When you have reached the end, it is now time to start the water flow through the pipe.

This may require you to suck on the end. Once flow is established and all air bubbles are removed, slowly raise the pipe upward until the flow ceases. When this point has been reached, use a tape measure to measure the distance from the end of the pipe to the surface of the water. This reading is the head for the stretch of brook.

Author: Yoni levy
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