Male Enhancement is Not Something New

The keywords �male enhancement� and �penis enlargement� bring up more than 3 million search engine results. If you read magazines, watch television, or just simply check your emails, you�ve likely encountered at least one male enhancement advertisement. But male enhancement is by no means a modern phenomenon because throughout history, mankind has been fascinated by the phallus.

Different cultures around the world have erected giant phallic symbols in the form of monuments, temples, towers, and other structures. Archaeologists have found evidence of gods, men, and rulers depicted with large penises

Egyptian wall paintings feature Geb, the god of creation, thrusting his enormous penis into the sky. Geb is often portrayed with a grin from ear to ear showing his pleasure (much like Smiling Bob, the pitchman of a once popular male enhancement supplement).

The rustic Greek and Roman fertility god Priapus is usually depicted with a very large erect penis. The medical condition priapism, an abnormal erection that lasts for hours, was named after this deity.

Early men have used extreme and sometimes dangerous male enhancement methods because they didn�t have safe and convenient male enhancement supplements and other advanced products like transdermal creams and patches or penis extenders and pumps. They have resorted to manually stretching the shaft to hanging weights on the tip and the scrotum to actually slitting the shaft in the hope of improving their erections and increasing their size.

But not all the early male enhancement methods were shocking. As men began to explore the use of herbs to treat his ailments, he discovered that many of them can be used as aphrodisiacs. In fact, many of the ingredients used in male enhancement supplements have a long history of use in different cultures around the world.

@Modern male enhancement exercises were inspired by the ancient penile massage technique known as jelqing. Believed to originate in the Middle East, jelqing was taught by fathers to their sons to prepare them for sexual relations.

Prior to the actual jelqing, the penis is given a warm bath or a wrapped in a towel soaked in warm water. This warm-up is done to increase blood flow to the penis and prepare it for the massaging. After the warm-up is completed, the thumb and index finger of both hands are used to form two rings. The rings are used to alternately do a milking motion starting from the base all the way up to the head to force blood to flow towards the end of the

Author: Ray Walker
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