Archangel Metatron Challenges You To Test The Bible And The Tanakh

My wife Jill is an Avatara; a person chosen by the Divine to deliver messages for the betterment of mankind. Here she is trance-channelling a message from the Voice of god:- Archangel Metatron. 

Although the Archangels we are mostly aware of are specific to our planet, Archangel Metatron is the only direct connection to the Creator and manages the Archangels and Angelic Realm for all universes. Metatron wanted us to know about the truth of creation. This is the message I penned:- 

Archangel Metatron: We're pleased to be with you once again. Please know that we are not here to destroy the human soul, but to perhaps put their faith back on track. Currently their direction is that of a derailed train. 

What we bring may well cause chaos, but for those who truly believe in a greater being, be it God or the one conscious mind; then those who truly understand the message of creation will not turn to fundamentalist mentality and create more abominations in the name of God, Muhammad, Allah or any other title created by mankind. 

What we would ask, is that those who read these teachings, look within their hearts to understand the lessons given; and then go and research. Leave no stone unturned before making your decision as to whether to accept these lessons, or leave them behind. Mankind has the ability now more than ever to research and uncover vital information for themselves, through the internet, universities and other historical documentation. Those that do so will uncover what the vast majority of the population fear to hear, see and acknowledge. 

Abraham is portrayed as a descendent of Noah. This was not so. If you look and research, you will find that there was very little in the area you name Palestine. There were no temples or any great civilisation at the time Abraham was purported to have lived. We feel it is important that you understand what was happening in that time, to grasp the reality of what we say. The time you would understand as 324BC was when the Jews came into competition with the Greeks. At this time, if you were to speak to theologians and research, you would find the learned, educational Jews often wrote in Greek. 

Some of the first educational writings of the Jews were in Greek, and at that time a Greek university was built in Jerusalem; and some Jews competed against the Greeks and embraced the Greek culture for a while. The city of Jerusalem was a place for budding philosophers, teachers, and academics to learn and study life. During this time if you weren't of Grecian descent, you were considered of a lower standing. The Greeks considered any other nation to be barbarians. 

You'll find through research that it wasn't long after, the Jews followed suit; and created Jews and Gentiles. The separation had begun, through ego and wanting to be considered better than others. The downfall of humanity was to spread like a plague amongst the lands. As their knowledge grew, the Jews distanced themselves from the Greeks and over a period of time denied that they had learnt their education from the Greeks. At this same period in time, they realised the power of stories. For people would travel far and wide, to listen to the teachings of the priests. The Jew's wished for independence and so in 164BC they created new teachings, new calendars and new rules for the people of that time. 

It was at this time the birth of the Tanakh came about. To make their standing more important, the Jews wrote sacred texts, that were able to give the impression of a set of prophecies that had come to light. As there are far too many; numerous errors, it would be impossible for us to recite them to you. We know that for those who desire the truth; if it is important enough, they will go on to discover these revelations for themselves. 

Let us take a closer look at Adam and Eve. This mythological couple were to symbolise man and woman. But the underlying message of these passages, is that they were not to ask questions and attain knowledge, or dare to search out the truth for themselves. For to do so would be damnation. A man at that time: Judas Maccabeus, along with his descendents, desired to rule Palestine. You'll find this referenced perhaps under Hasmoneons in your historical records. To do so, required a reconstruction of history, to bring about a new understanding to others, that they were a specially chosen generation, who God had bequeathed the land to. 

It was during this time that many atrocities took place. Galileans and others were forced to adopt this new faith, or choose death. Many fled Palestine at this time, and found sanctuary in Rome. To ensure that what had occurred in the name of God was not to be questioned, the Tanakh was to be shown as being created in the second century, so that it would portray prophesies that had become reality, therefore who would dare to question God or what the Hasmoneons claimed was true? The Tanakh draws together many myths and legends from all areas, which if closely researched will bear a remarkable resemblance to Egyptian, Greek and original Palestine mythology. 

The Hasmoneans created stories that would help serve their purposes in the present by recreating a past. We feel for now, you may need to go and research what has been given. These teachings are meant to be short so that you acquire the knowledge given. For now, we surround you in love and light; until then, blessings. Metatron.

Author: Glenn Harrison 
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