Bobproctorsuccess: Exercise Your Mind With The Success Series

Most people would agree that the "essential" business success strategies are a combination of goal setting, a positive attitude, proper motivation, teamwork, high ideals, and hard, no, SMART work. In evaluating success strategies it seems to me that I have missed probably one of the more difficult ones: RISK. In business dealings, in relationships, in just about every aspect of our lives that we deem important, there's always an element of risk.The stakes may seem high if we fail, BUT calculated risk multiplies geometrically the rewards when 

we succeed. We all must stand for and believe in something. We must believe in our higher Self. Trust in the good and the positive. Because the odds are in their favor. Just as life is in your favor. Ask to win, Plan to win, Trust to win! Where Are Those Goals? Are you doing everything you set out to do earlier in the year? There's still plenty of time to reach your goals. Goals? You did set goals, didn't you? Without goals we have no way of measuring or gagging our productivity. Look through the stack of paperwork on your desk and check your briefcase, your goals must be there somewhere. What, you didn't write them down? Without a clear, precise game plan, without a desired outcome in writing, our destination is obscured. How can you hit a target if you cannot see it? We need to review our goals everyday to stay focused. The life stories of great men and women are testimonies to overcoming great obstacles on the road to success.There may be "failures" on the road to your own personal success. But with clearly defined written goals you can overcome these obstacles and turn them into stepping stones for success. Let's Do It Now! 

�The Bob Proctor Library� bagged 

 Money is not the goal: 

The book deals with a primary premise that "Money is not the goal." It is the result of many factors and the most important is our internal belief, thinking, and attitude toward money, prosperity, and wealth. 

 Be a Magnet to money : 

This amazing 2 CD program by Bob Proctor with Michele Blood is a MUST for anyone wishing to understand in detail the Law Of Attraction PLUS it gives you the Tools to begin to attract Money and Success. Money is Freedom-Freedom to live out your dreams, freedom to travel this beautiful world. Be A Magnet to Money is one of the most simple and yet greatest psychological discoveries of the 21st century. 

 Become a Magnet to Money : 

"Become a Magnet to Money" gives you all the steps you need to achieve the success you desire. After much searching for the answers to attain success, I am at peace knowing all the information and the practical action steps I need to live the life of my dreams are in this book.

Author: Mandal Rathin
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