With the permission of Mrs. West, I would like to show you a portion of an article that she wrote for a school paper. She is the editor, and a teacher, at this school, and she is also signed up and receiving a �Love Note From God� every day. Listen to what she has to say.
�Earlier this year I shared with you
An email that I receive almost every
day. It is entitled �My Love Notes
from God,� and the notes are actually
taken from scripture and sent
out in �note� form, signed from God.
I enjoy reading these short notes
each day and have been amazed at
how often they come with a message
that I particularly need at that time.
In reality, the entire Bible is our
�Love Note from God,� inspired by
His Divine thoughts and therefore
worthy of reading, understanding�
and discussing. What a privilege we
have as mere humans to be able to
touch the very heart of God through
the study of His Word.
And what a privilege we have here at Fairview to
not only study the literature of man
but to study God�s Holy Word. Let us
never forget this awesome opportunity
that our children have here at Fairview.
Celebrating God�s Word,
Mrs. West�
It brings such a joy to our hearts to know how God continues to bless His Word as He sends it out to many hearts and lives. He still is on the throne and He still is in the business of changing hearts and changing lives. How about yours? Maybe you know someone who could use a Love Note From God every day.
Go to the website and sign up. It�s free.�My Love Notes From God.com�
God bless you all.
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