Why Press Release Submission Is Important In SEO?

�Press Releases� refer to the release or announcement of any news, event or information associated with an organization. To announce an update world wide, now-a-days every organization is making use of the most powerful tool, that is, �Press Release Submission�. They can be regarded as the one of the way of doing �online marketing� for building the brand credibility of any company. 

Press release plays a significant role in search engine optimization field. They help in building a rising sales structure of an organization. Businesses of all type and size, like custom application development or other software product development business like development of software associated with warehousing management and so on, are now more focused on getting the visibility and online exposure worldwide. 

They can be treated as the one of the way of making online publicity of product or a brand, which in turns, attracts more and more customers and help in building a good rapport. By making press release submissions, the visibility of keywords increases in search engine result pages (SERPs). Apart from this, there are few other benefits which make �Press Release� a powerful tool. 

Benefits of press release submission: 

1. As mentioned in the above statement, �Press releases� helps in improving the sites appearance on SERPs. But, this can only be achieved by proper usage of keywords and embedded links in the body of a release. 

2. Keywords get ranked easily in different news domains like Google news, Yahoo news. 

3. It helps in increasing brand creditability by introducing the site and products to new users. 

4. Amount of rich and quality backlinks from other websites will also be increased by submitting a press release. 

5. Media coverage is gained by a press release submission. A submitted PR reaches to different newsrooms and media people. 

These are some of the major benefits a submitted press release can give to an organization. But, to gain advantage of all these benefits, the most important part is �Writing of a press release�. Writing a press release is not an easy task. It is not a cup of tea for everyone. Many things need to be considered before proceeding up with the writing of a release. There are five main elements of a press release. These are: 

1. Title: The title should not be more than 100 characters. Try to include targeted keyword in the title element. 

2. Summary: Ideal summary length of a press release should not be of more than 250 characters. 1-2 keyword phrases can be taken into summary of a press release. 

3. Body: This is the main part and should be written in third person. The body of a press release should be content worthy. It should have a unique content related to the news category. The length of the body element should be of approximately 300-350 characters. 

4. Company information: Here the company�s brief and highlighted information need to be specified along with a linking text. This should also be written in third person. 

5. Contact details: Contact details of a relevant person as designated by the company should be provided along with company�s complete address, phone number, website address and the contactable e-mail id. (Most preferable is the usage of the e-mail id associated with the domain of that particular company). 

In short, we can say, a press release can only become effective if and only if these guidelines are followed by an organization. It will surely help in capturing the general interest of the targeted audience.

Author: Nick Thomas 

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