Lasik Guide

Are you suffering from astigmatism, myopia or hyperopia? Then we recommend looking into Lasik, the latest scientific breakthrough in refractive surgery. This procedure is a surgically done with a laser which will result in a quicker recovery time for its patients. This surgery involves making a small flap on the patient's eye in which the surgeon can fold over so they can correct any problems in the patient's tissue. Once the eye problem has been fixed, the flap is then folded back down into its original position and bandaged so it may heal properly. 

Lasik surgery can seem a bit intimidating at first, especially since it is essentially a laser cutting your eyeball; however this is one of the most common surgeries and has an amazing success rate and a very quick healing time. Patients who will be undergoing this procedure need to discontinue soft contact use for between one and three weeks before the surgery. For those who have hard lenses, it is recommended that they take them out a total of six weeks for every three years they have worn them. This may seem extreme but will make sure your surgery goes well, without complications and will reduce your risk for infection. 

This procedure seems very risky and dangerous, but studies done over the past ten years from thousands of active participants show a satisfaction rate of more then ninety five percent. In all honesty, those results are amazing and prove that Lasik surgery is a safe and reliable solution to your vision ailments. To be fair and present both sides, there are of course several complications that can arise due to the fact that this is in fact a medical surgery being performed on a human body. The most common side affects include dry eyes, light sensitivity, double vision or blurred vision, and possible growths under the flap made during the surgery. These are all risks that can be brought on by the surgery, however they are rare and generally temporary which is a small price to pay for permanently improved vision. Most of this list of symptoms can be avoided with excellent post surgery care and maintenance, and if need be, eye surgery is a possibility to relieve any discomfort or problems. 

Things to consider before going ahead with this retinal surgery include your age and prior eye health. You need to be at least eighteen years of age to participate, and if you are forty years of age and up, you may want to consider implantable lenses instead. Lastly, your previous year's eye prescription needs to show stability before you will be considered to Lasik surgery.
Author: Alexander Sutton
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